ICYMI: Flint Hills Resources Speaks at the Austin Airport Advisory Commission Meeting to Provide Update on the BATX Pipeline Project

AUSTIN, TX – Flint Hills Resources Public Affairs Director, Andy Saenz, Spoke at the Airport Advisory Commission Meeting to Provide an Update on the BATX Pipeline Project.

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-Opening Remarks as Delivered-

“Good afternoon commissioners and thank you for allowing me to speak this afternoon and give a quick update on our BATX pipeline project. For the record, my name is Andy Saenz, and I am the Public Affairs Director for Flint Hills Resources. As some of you may know, for the past three decades, Flint Hills Resources has been the primary supplier of jet fuel for the Austin Airport. When I visited with you in November, I shared our proposal announcing construction of the Bastrop Austin Texas BATX Pipeline, which will connect our fuel terminal in Bastrop directly to the airport by providing an uninterrupted and more reliable fuel supply system.

Since that time, our team has actively sought input from the community and landowners along the proposed route, making significant progress on the project.

In February, we held two public hearings, one in Del Valle and one in Bastrop, to engage with the community and answer questions about the projects current phase. I have provided a handout with some pictures from the events. Both of the events were well attended and provided the public a chance to learn more about the project and get answers to some of their questions.

We remain committed to transparency to being responsive to the communities’ concerns. We continue to proactively seek feedback from landowners and other stakeholders through our bilingual contact portal via phone and email. All inquiries have received a response within 24 hours.

We also provide regular updates about the project and the proposed route to the City of Austin officials, airport staff, elected leaders and other community organizations. We also continue to coordinate with airport officials on determining the optimal pipeline route within airport property. The route is expected to follow highway 71, mostly in TxDOT right of way, and enter the airport near Presidential Boulevard.

Surveying is substantially complete, and we’ve initiated permitting discussions in Bastrop County. We will soon begin permitting discussions with Travis County and the City of Austin. A portion of the affected landowners recently received option agreements for easements and those interactions are ongoing.

As you know, Austin is the largest airport in the country that still relies on daily deliveries for its fuel. It’s also one of the nation’s fastest growing airports. We believe the BATX pipeline will provide an immediate improvement in the reliability, the safety and efficiency of the airport fuel delivery system, while also preparing it for the future. Your feedback and input are valuable to us, and we look forward to continuing our work with the Commission and others on this important project. Thank you again for allowing us to give a quick update on where we are on our project.”
